My interest in aging:

My Interest in Aging:

When I was a younger girl I would always be afraid to grow old, I saw my great grandparents and how they lived their lives and I was so confused as to why they could not do the same things as I did at my age. Learning not only the social but also the psychological factors that deal with aging and becoming old has always been a curiosity of mine and how that process happens. I am thankful that I have gotten the chance to see how aging is dealt with in our society and how different generations view it and deal with it.

"Age is whatever you think it is. You are as old as you think you are."
-Muhammad Ali

Thursday, April 11, 2013


Medicare can be a very confusing topic to understand if you have not had to deal with it before. As complex as it might seem at first it is important to know how it works and what it can do for you or your family members. Most people think you do not have to worry about medicare until your old and retiring, but in all truths, it is better to inform yourself before hand so you can pick the right medicare plan that fits your life and personal needs.
Medicare is pretty simple once you learn the basic parts to it. it is a lot like health insurance except for the fact that the one who is paying is the government. Once you turn the age 65 you are then able to receive medicare, the other exception for eligibility is if you are younger and disabled. It would be a smart choice to take the time before you hit that age to figure out what your medicare plan will be.
Below I have provided a short powerpoint presentation that illustrates the basic knowledge and information about Medicare and how it works:

A website that I came across while researching this topic is called, which I have included a link below. Out of many different resources and information on the internet I found this one to be the most helpful and easy to understand. This website also gives you a chance to get your word out there to either file a complaint or appeal regarding your medicare. If you are looking for more statistical information and deeper knowledge I would definitely suggest to click on the link and explore this website to see what you can find!

Blue Cross is one of the biggest federations that provide millions of people with different helath insurnace coverages. they also provide medicare services and is one of the top picks for when individuals are searching for the right plan. I have included a short commerial below by Blue Cross, this video promotes their medicare services. I thought this video was a very fun uplifting advertisement from the elders point of view.

Searching for the right Medicare plan is not always easy for most people and can get very confusing to know what decisions to make, that will have a great impact on your life. most websites out there show you the different options you have to choose from, one of the sites that I found to be helpful in that process, which is also related to the video I came across, works with Blue Cross. This website is a good example of different companies that can provide you with medicare plans and how they would set it up. I have attached the link below to the page that shows you step by step what to do and how to get started with setting up your plan. It shows the different things you can do and also includes a "guide" to sort out any confusions. I thought this website was easy to use and very informational.

Although you would think that medicare is all about the positives and although they do help many different individuals and provide amazing benefits, medicare does have certain things that people think of to be issues that need to be worked on. According to a journal article that I came across it states that medicare needs to be looked over and have a few things changed to enhance the quality and effectiveness.  The main issue that it states is having the spending of medicare being raised too high. This article also comes up with some solutions that they think will help the situation, quoted from the article:

"The best solution is structural Medicare reform based on a defined-contribution (“premium support”) program of financing, and gradually increasing the eligibility age. Competition among plans and providers, driven by personal choice, will not only secure better value for Medicare dollars, but will also reduce the growth in Medicare spending." (Moffit).

The reason I chose to talk about Medicare for my second blog post is because I wanted to choose something that I never really knew anything about. I feel like medicare is something that people think they know about and how it works but when asked to talk about it and explain it they get stumbled about what they want to say. My father is actually trying to get medicare because he has a disability that would make him qualified. That was also a factor in my decision to research Medicare so that I could understand a little bit better what he is going through and the decisions he has to make. I am glad I got to expand my knowledge on this topic and now I know that once my time comes that I will be more prepared and know what I will want.

"Aging is a natural process of life. It begins the moment we are born. Strangely enough, most of us live under the illusion that we and our loved ones will never become old. When old age arrives, we are often unprepared. The natural order becomes reversed. The young help to care for the old. Those who need to be taken care of for the first time have a hard time accepting that they need help. This condition is a product of our culture that does everything it can to conceal the loss of youth. Confronting this reality is the beginning of a healthy relationship to life, aging and death."

Source: Aging Poems - Poems about Aging 

Thursday, February 21, 2013

OLD LOVE: Sex, Love and Intimacy in Old Age

"The Need for Intimacy is Ageless"

For younger generations there is always that one question that lies within their minds about older senior citizens, whether they want to know the answer or not, the question is "Are they still having sex!?" Sex in old age comes with a lot of different myths and misunderstandings that is a taboo subject for the young. But believe it or not the answer to this question is yes, the sex drive for the elderly is just as prevalent as it was back in their youth!

Found in a journal article about a study of how much value and importance elders put on sexual activity in their lives. According to Gott and Hinchliff: "Indeed, all participants who had current sexual partner attributed at least some importance to sex with many rating sex as 'very' or 'extremely' important. However, experiencing barriers to being sexually active led them to place less importance on sex; this was particularlary apparent when health problems and widowhood were experienced." (Goff. pg.1)

As it is true that health problems can come in the way of sexual intercourse with old age, there are certainly different ways they can practice safer sex to prevent any harm or injuries to yourself or your partner. For more information about safe sex for seniors you can visit a very helpful site with facts, tips, advice, as well as this video below.

Sexual activity at older ages can still be just as beneficial not only for each individual but also as a couple as well. some facts I came across from an online health guide organization was that sex later in life can improve health, increase lifespan, solidify relationships and give refuge. For more facts and better understanding of how to make sex more enjoyable as age goes on check out this website below!

The reason I chose this topic out of the many I have learned about was because I thought it was something that would bring most people out of their comfort zone to get a different perspective on something they would rather not think about. Sex happens, no matter what age that need for intimacy will always be there and I think that is nice to know. Their sex drive is as alive as ours is and I think this was a perfect opportunity to bring it out in the open and for the elderly to be proud of what they've got and for the youth to be proud for accepting that fact!